Harnessing the Power of Technology to Foster Creativity in the Classroom

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The disruption caused by the transition to online education hasn’t been limited to the traditional classroom. Technology has played a crucial role in helping educators rethink how they approach teaching different subjects. Adobe Education conducted a nationwide survey that indicated both educators and students want more opportunities to be creative in the classroom.

Fortunately, there is a chance to expand on this trend with the help of modern technological tools and collaborative resources. Teachers have the opportunity to instill a love for learning in students who’d rather write my book report online with professional paper writing services from a young age through the use of creative and tech-based lesson plans. Here are ways technology is being used to inspire creativity among the youth.

  1. A Dynamic and Engaging Educational Experience

There is a proliferation of different interactive learning platforms on the market and in schools. With these resources, students can tailor their learning experiences and develop their skills in creative and collaborative ways.

Many of these resources also allow teachers to provide students with a more well-rounded education. Glogster is a fantastic example because it enables educators to construct a dashboard where students can share their “glogs” (online posters). They can subsequently use media like videos, texts, and photographs to demonstrate their understanding.

Furthermore, learners can creatively showcase the knowledge they’ve acquired with the help of these glogs. They have the freedom to explore individual interests and talents while still being guided by a teacher through a self-directed learning experience.

  1. Easier Ways to Make Content

Historically, educators have provided students with ready-made materials like textbooks. One of the best things about technological progress is that it paves the way for novel approaches to content production.

Teachers can use digital tools to engage their students in the learning process and develop original classroom materials. Kahoot! is an excellent platform for student-generated content because it encourages students to share knowledge. It’s an online quiz maker that students can use to test their classmates’ knowledge on any topic.

The adoption of this type of classroom dynamic has numerous positive effects on students’ learning and growth:

  • Student results improve when they can demonstrate mastery of a subject through the production of original content;
  • Students are more likely to be creative when they have agency over the content they produce;
  • Students need a good grasp of the curriculum and the ability to tap into their creativity to create entertaining content.
  1. Video Game-Based Problem-Solving

Problem-finding and -solving situations in video games can be a great way to get kids interested in learning. Educators can tailor the difficulty of these challenges to the age group they’re intended for. It helps to create an engaging environment where kids make decisions as they work to achieve their goals.

Education and creativity are two areas where video games have been shown to excel. For instance, since its introduction to classrooms more than five years ago, Minecraft Education has shown consistent growth. Students join a universe where they are free to make whatever they like, challenging them to think creatively. Here, they must use critical thinking skills to recognize and address issues that may not be immediately apparent.

Video games help kids to learn key skills like problem-solving and decision-making with less teaching and guidance. They can play a game while unknowingly learning new skills, especially in STEM topics, making video games an invaluable tool.

  1. Balance Between Privacy and Sharing

Using technology as part of the creative process makes it much simpler to disseminate your work. However, oversharing can be detrimental to the creative process, particularly in its formative stages.

According to literature, having some “incubation” time, or quiet reflection, where the learner’s mind is free to wander, is essential to the creative process. Fortunately, most educational technology allows learners and educators to customize their privacy settings. This is helpful because there are likely many ideas that students don’t want others to share for each one they want to share.

Furthermore, it is crucial to strike a balance between sharing ideas, cooperating, and defining personal limits, as group mentality can inhibit creativity and innovation.

  1. Usage of Digital Tools to Pose Questions

You’ve probably heard that there is no such thing as a stupid question. This is truer in the realm of learning than in others. When you conceive a new idea, you’re doing more than just letting your mind wander. In actuality, you are retrieving information from your memory and applying it to the problem at hand.

Naturally, the more questions you ask about a topic, the more ideas you’ll come up with. And question-generation and answer-finding are two great uses for the technology.

Students who prefer to enlist the best essay writing services can now use online resources like MindMeister to develop ideas and questions on any topic. Additionally, if you have a pressing query you need to be answered, you can turn to websites like Quora.

The Bottom Line

Encouraging youngsters to think creatively through the use of technological resources will have beneficial effects. Most importantly, students will have the best possible employment prospects if they acquire all of these abilities. Due to the increasingly technological nature of every industry, the next generation must be educated to think on their feet.

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