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The 5 Most Cost-Effective Ways to Save Energy in Your Business

Businesses are more responsible for the environment and how their business practices affect it. 

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With the need to save resources and become more energy efficient, saving on the amount of energy used is one of the critical factors to cut costs within your business. 

For starters, you could get a better business electricity rate by switching to a cheaper utility provider. You can compare different rates to find the one that suits your budget while still supplying you with sufficient energy to continue your business as normal. 

Here are the 5 most effective ways you can use to save energy in your business.  

5 Most Effective Ways to Save Energy in Your Business

These methods will help your business save on energy and the expense of energy and also make your business more energy efficient. 

Keep track of your business carbon output.

Keeping track of the business’s carbon output can help you understand how much carbon your business releases and find ways to curb greenhouse emissions.   

Switch to remote working. 

Remote working can help companies save money on energy use for several reasons. Firstly, going digital can help save paper and have all information and data at hand saved to the cloud for easy access. 

Meetings can be done virtually, signing contracts and filling in forms for staff and clients. 

This also means saving money on office space. With the staff working from home, there’s no need to get a huge space to accommodate workers. 

Make lighting more energy efficient. 

The use of lighting within a business can lead to an energy bill being high. You can make some changes to reduce the costs of having the lights on. 

Remove all old lightbulbs and switch to LED ones. Open blinds and curtains and use natural lighting during the day to avoid having to switch on lights. 

Installing daylight blinds can help on the days when the sun is too bright and causes glaring, they can minimise the reflection but still create enough light to be able to work without artificial lights switched on. 

Encourage employees to switch off lights when not in use or leaving a room. Installing motion senses in rooms that are not always used, such as the storage room, can save electricity by only going on once someone is in the room. 

Make changes to your heating, ventilation and air conditioning. 

Insulating and ensuring no draughts can save money on unnecessarily turning up the heat. On hot days, opening the doors and windows instead of using the air conditioner can also help save on electricity. 

Check for any gaps near the window frames and door, as well as holes that might be causing a draught to be let in. 

You can set a timer for these appliances to ensure they are switched off at the end of the day to avoid energy wastage if no one is at work. 

Regular maintenance and checking on these appliances can help save money on energy being used on faulty equipment. 

Control Usage of Office Appliances and Machines 

Ensuring that computers and printers are switched off at the end of the workday is important to avoid using electricity at night. Also, ensure the plug is pulled out of the socket as the appliance can still draw power if plugged in. 

During lunch, encourage employees to put devices off and not on sleep mode to avoid them running while no one is using them. 

If the appliances within your office have an energy-saving mode or switch, then use them in that setting. If any appliances are outdated and need to be modernised, upgrading them can save energy costs. 

Have a maintenance schedule for machinery to check that they are functioning properly, as a faulty or broken machine can use up more energy than it would if it were fixed. 

Installing an energy motion sensor can help you detect the amount of energy that your appliances are using and will alert you to any machines that are using an unnecessarily high amount of power. 

Companies can also invest in solar panelling to harness natural resources for their energy consumption. 


Becoming energy-efficient benefits the business, consumers and the climate. 

Implementing these 5 most cost-effective ways to save energy, such as keeping track of your business carbon, switching from office to remote work, having aenergy-efficient lighting systems, using your HVAC system sparingly and controlling the usage of appliances and machinery, can reduce the cost of your energy bill and save the energy within your business. 
For more cost-effective ways to save energy, you can visit https://morningsidemaryland.com/ to find extra tips to put money back into your business.

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