Morgan State University Researchers Study the Impact of Trauma on Student Success

Morgan State University Researchers Study the Impact of Trauma on Student Success

Morgan State University, a designated preeminent public urban research university in Maryland, has been awarded a $399,747 research grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Studies (IES) to study the impact of trauma on student success (source: Morgan State University News). The study will be conducted by a team of researchers from the university’s School of Education and Urban Studies.

The researchers will examine how exposure to trauma affects students’ academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being. The study will focus on students in Baltimore City Public Schools, which has one of the country’s highest rates of poverty and violence. The researchers hope their findings will help educators and policymakers better understand the needs of students who have experienced trauma and develop effective interventions to support them.

According to Dr. David Wilson, President of Morgan State University, “This study is critical to addressing the needs of our most vulnerable students. Trauma can impact a child’s development and academic success, and we must understand how to support them.”

student involvement in extracurricular activities

This is not the first time that Morgan State University has received funding to support education research. The university has been making significant strides in advancing toward R1 status, securing investments of more than $100M in grants, contracts, and gifts during FY23 (source: Morgan State University News). The university has seen a second consecutive year of growth, with a record high of more than $83M in new research funding commitments alone.

Dr. Tiffany Mfume, Dean of the School of Education and Urban Studies, emphasized the importance of the research and its potential impact on students. “We know that students who have experienced trauma face unique challenges in the classroom. By studying the impact of trauma on student success, we can develop strategies to help them overcome those challenges and achieve their full potential.”

The study is set to begin in the fall of 2023 and is expected to take two years to complete. The researchers hope that their findings will inform policies and practices that will better support students who have experienced trauma.

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