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Types of Compensation in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

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Getting into an unexpected accident can not only leave you with physical injuries but financial hardships due to the mounting medical bills and lost wages. Filing a personal injury claim helps you seek compensation for the physical, economic, and emotional difficulties you’ve endured due to another person’s negligent or wrongful conduct. The compensation you get mainly depends on the severity of your injuries and the circumstances surrounding the accident, which a judge usually decides upon in court.

There are many different types of compensatory damages you may be entitled to in a personal injury case. Working with Duboff & Associates, Personal Injury Attorneys can help you navigate the complex legal system and determine the different types of compensations you can recover in your personal injury case. If you’re looking to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries, here are some of the most common types of damages you can claim in a personal injury lawsuit:

  1. Special Compensatory Damages

You may be entitled to special compensatory damages in a personal injury lawsuit. This type of compensation is usually awarded for any monetary losses incurred due to injuries caused by someone else’s negligence. Common types of special damages include medical expenses you’ve incurred from your injuries. Medical expenses include hospital stays, physical therapy, x-rays, emergency room visits, surgeries, chiropractors, massage therapy, and prescriptions. You’re also entitled to reimbursement for any medical expenses you will incur in the future.

Lost income is another type of special compensatory damage you’re entitled to in your personal injury case. For instance, if your injuries have made you unable to work for a month, you should seek compensation for the lost income you would have earned during that month. If your injuries cause a disability, reducing your future ability to earn, you should be compensated for the loss of future earnings.

  1. General Compensatory Damages

Apart from the special compensatory damages, you may also be entitled to general compensatory damages in a personal injury case. Unlike special damages, you’re given general compensatory damages for non-monetary losses you’ve suffered because of the injuries. These damages cover mainly the mental and physical harm you’ve experienced due to your injuries. Common general compensatory damages you can claim in a personal injury case include compensation for the pain and suffering you’ve endured due to the injuries. Some factors used to determine the value of your pain and suffering include the type and severity of the injury, length of recovery, and type of prescribed medication.

Another common type of general damage that could be compensated in a personal injury lawsuit is mental anguish compensation. You may be entitled to reimbursement for the mental anguish and emotional distress from an accident-related injury. General compensatory damages can also include loss of consortium, which is the negative impact your injuries have had on close relationships with your spouse and family members.

  1. Punitive Damages

You may also be entitled to punitive damages in your personal injury lawsuit. This type of compensation is usually awarded to personal injury victims to punish the defendant for their intentional or malicious conduct. These acts may include fraud, aggravated battery, or sexual assault. This helps prevent similar actions from happening in the future.


You may be entitled to many different types of compensation in a personal injury case. Knowing what you can be compensated for can help you maximize your claim’s value and get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

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