Maryland City Among Places with Highest Rates of Dog Attacks on Mail Carriers

According to a recent United States Postal Service (USPS) report, Maryland is among the top states where dogs most frequently attack mail carriers. The report, released as part of National Dog Bite Prevention Week, lists Baltimore as one of the cities with the highest rates of dog attacks on mail carriers.


In 2021, there were 43 reported dog attacks on mail carriers in Baltimore, making it the city with the country’s 10th-highest rate of attacks. The state of Maryland had 68 reported attacks, ranking it 13th among all states.

The USPS report serves as a reminder of the daily dangers that postal workers face. Dog attacks can cause severe injuries and can even be fatal in some cases. The USPS encourages pet owners to take steps to prevent dog attacks, such as keeping their dogs secured and away from postal workers.

Baltimore Postal Workers Call for Increased Safety Measures

In response to the high rate of dog attacks on mail carriers, postal workers in Baltimore are calling for increased safety measures. The Baltimore City Letter Carriers Union has called for the USPS to provide better training for mail carriers on how to deal with aggressive dogs and to increase penalties for dog owners whose pets attack postal workers.

“We need to do more to protect our postal workers,” said union president Patrice Walker. “Dog attacks are a serious problem, and we need to take steps to prevent them from happening in the first place.”

The USPS has stated that it is committed to ensuring the safety of its workers and has implemented several measures to prevent dog attacks. These include providing training to mail carriers on how to prevent dog attacks, as well as offering dog repellent spray to pages who request it.

Overall, the high rate of dog attacks on mail carriers in Baltimore and other cities is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. By taking steps to prevent dog attacks and to protect postal workers, we can help to ensure the safety of our communities and the people who serve them.

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