Judge Orders Restraining Order to Halt BGE Work in Baltimore

Baltimore homeowners have won a significant victory in their fight against Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), as a judge has ordered a restraining order to halt BGE’s work on a gas pipeline in the area.

Background on the Case

The dispute between BGE and the homeowners centers around a gas pipeline running through several Baltimore neighborhoods. The homeowners have argued that the pipeline is a safety hazard and that BGE has not done enough to address their concerns.


After months of protests and legal battles, a judge has now granted a restraining order to stop BGE from doing any further work on the pipeline until the case can be resolved. The ruling is a major victory for the homeowners and for community activists who have been fighting to protect their neighborhoods from the potential dangers of the pipeline.

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Response from BGE and Community

BGE has expressed disappointment with the judge’s ruling and said it will continue to work to address the concerns of the homeowners and the community. However, community activists and local leaders have praised the ruling as a step forward in fighting for a safer and more just society.

The case is expected to continue to be contentious, with both sides digging in for a long legal battle. However, the restraining order is a significant victory for homeowners and anyone who believes in the power of grassroots activism to effect change in their community.

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