Baltimore area officials address crime across city lines at neighborhood meetings.

Concerns raised over recent violence

Baltimore City and County officials gathered with community members at a town hall meeting last night to discuss ongoing public safety issues and collaborative efforts to address crime across jurisdictional borders.

Over 100 residents from northeast Baltimore City and Baltimore County neighborhoods attended the Franklin Square Elementary School meeting to raise concerns with elected representatives. Many expressed fears about a recent spike in armed robberies, carjackings and shootings impacting the area.

“It’s become unsafe to go out at night, even in what used to be considered safe neighborhoods,” said Franklin Square resident Maria Lopez. “People are on edge and looking over their shoulders constantly. We need our officials to take real action before it worsens.”

Baltimore City Councilman Robert Stokes, representing the Franklin Square area, acknowledged residents’ worries. “Public safety is my top priority and I hear the community’s frustrations loud and clear. No one should feel afraid in their own communities.”

Coordinated enforcement strategy proposed

Stokes and Baltimore County Councilwoman Karen Johnston presented a multi-pronged enforcement strategy being developed jointly with police from both jurisdictions. Their proposal includes:

  • Coordinated patrols along border areas by City and County police to address crimes that span boundaries.
  • An intelligence sharing program to track criminal networks operating across city lines.
  • Targeted enforcement of high-crime areas through warrant sweeps and undercover stings.
  • Engagement of state police and federal partners like the ATF for firearms tracing and interdiction of illegal guns.
  • Community outreach to troubled youth through recreation programs and job training to deter criminal involvement.

Residents at the meeting expressed cautious optimism about increased coordination but stressed the need for visible results. “We’ll believe it when we see less crime in our streets,” said Lopez. “This needs to be more than just talk. Our safety has to come first.”

Stokes pledged ongoing communication and accountability. “Change starts by working together across boundaries. We’re committed to keeping the momentum and ensuring this strategy makes a real difference for neighborhoods.”

The officials will continue hosting community forums to gather input and update residents on progress in curbing crime city-wide.

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