Where Is Brock Turner Now, Four Years After sexually Assaulting Chanel Miller?

Rape cases have created threat in to the hearts of girl and left government with the questions ‘when will a girl start feeling safe’? One rape case took last in the year 2015; Brock Turner got arrested for attempting heinous act of raping and two counts of felony sexual assault. He tried to assault an unconscious student outside a frat party. Then a year later he was found again with the same crime but this time it was three counts of sexual assault. But when this accusation was put onto him, victim did not reveal her face only revealed a name, Emily Doe. Then turner got jailed for 6 months only, although, he was recommended to be sentenced for next six years. He was also released after 6 months. 

After such a chaos, Emily doe, victim has come herself and revealed her real identity. Chanel Miller has given her interview in which, she has shared everything from her side and revealed so many things. 

Looking for Brock Turner today?

These rape cases and when woman try to shut their mouth is a big problem so it is so important people come forward and speak. Emily doe has come after a longer period; if people will be quiet after such a heinous act then it will strengthen such kind of act. Brock Turner who is the subject all of these news was only for 6 months behind the bar and he is just 20 years old student. He was even three- time All American Swimmer at Stanford University. When he was put behind bar and accused of committing such a heinous act then he immediately himself took steps back and withdrew his name from the university. He has even taken his name back from the USA swimming before he could get banned and thrown out form the competitive swimming for the team. 

Chanel Miller released a memoir titled ‘know My Name’ on Sept. 24th, 2019 –

Chanel had also written her memoir and her memoir got published in the last September.  She owns creativity to express a heart and deep words and writing a memoir in such a crucial time could help people in having better understanding towards such kind of sensitive subject. Sometimes people get afraid of speaking even truth but when people read such kind of words they get courage to speak, at least raise their voice. And this is the motto of penning down this Memoir, Chanel said in an interview to ‘The New York Times’. The New York Times said, this is one of most important book that I have ever published’’. This book on the other hand has the ability to change the culture and the society we live in. This memoir is also a hope to get the justice and make people aware and bring more awareness into lives of people. This rape case has left so many people question on the safety of girls and this is one of such heinous crime on which most of the people go quiet. But people will have to be more responsible and take charge of own lives and understand if they are going to be quiet then this will strengthen those heinous acts. 

Everyone must read once these memoir and people need to understand the words which are trying to convey the message. Every individual is their own responsibility so they all need to keep their eyes open and also be support in the times of sensitive case. So raise your voice in the support of bringing justice to Emily doe. 

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