What the Culpo Sisters Do for a Living

The Culpo sisters – Olivia, Aurora, and Sophia – have each carved out their own unique careers in the entertainment and fashion industries.

Olivia, the oldest of the sisters, is a successful model, actress, and social media influencer. She has modeled for major brands, acted in movies and TV shows, and has a significant social media following.

Aurora, the second oldest, is a musician and actress. She has released several singles and has acted in movies like “The Other Woman” and “American Satan.”

Sophia, the youngest of the sisters, is a fashion influencer and nutritionist. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and has used her platform to promote healthy eating and wellness.

In addition to their individual careers, the Culpo sisters have recently come together for their own reality TV show, “The Culpo Sisters,” which gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at their lives and careers.

Overall, the Culpo sisters have each found success in their own unique ways, but they all share a passion for creativity and self-expression.

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