What are the Two Purposes of the Fife and Drum?

The fife and drum are two instruments that have been used for centuries in military music. While they may seem like simple instruments, they have played a vital role in military communication and have been used for a variety of purposes. In this article, we will explore the two main purposes of the fife and drum in military music.

  1. Communication

One of the primary purposes of the fife and drum is communication. In the days before radios and other modern communication devices, military leaders relied on the fife and drum to communicate orders and commands to their troops. The high-pitched sound of the fife could be heard over long distances, making it an ideal instrument for signaling troops to advance, retreat, or change formation.

The drum, on the other hand, provided a steady beat that helped to keep troops in step and maintain a consistent tempo. This was particularly important during marches and parades, where troops needed to move in unison. The drum could also be used to signal different types of commands, such as a call to arms or a warning of danger.

  1. Morale Boosting

Another important purpose of the fife and drum is morale boosting. Military life can be difficult and stressful, and soldiers often need a way to boost their spirits and maintain their motivation. The lively, upbeat rhythms of the fife and drum were perfect for this purpose, and military leaders often used music to raise the morale of their troops.

In addition to boosting morale, the fife and drum were also used to entertain troops during periods of downtime. Soldiers would often gather around a fife and drum corps to listen to music and dance, providing a much-needed break from the rigors of military life.


In conclusion, the fife and drum have served two main purposes in military music: communication and morale boosting. These instruments have played a vital role in military communication for centuries, providing a way for leaders to signal orders and commands to their troops. Additionally, the lively rhythms of the fife and drum have been used to boost the morale of soldiers and provide entertainment during periods of downtime. Today, the fife and drum continue to be used in military music and are an important part of military history.

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