Rashmika Mandanna Deepfake Controversy

The Indian actress Rashmika Mandanna has recently been embroiled in a deepfake video controversy. Deepfake videos are manipulated videos that use artificial intelligence to superimpose a person’s face onto someone else’s body in a way that looks realistic. In this case, Mandanna’s face was superimposed onto a pornographic video without her consent.

What is a deepfake video and how can you spot one?

Deepfake videos are becoming increasingly common, and they can be difficult to spot. They are created using artificial intelligence, which can be trained to generate realistic images and videos. The technology is advancing rapidly, and it is becoming easier to create convincing deepfakes.

To spot a deepfake video, you should look for signs of manipulation, such as unnatural movements or inconsistencies in the video. You can also use software tools that analyze the video to detect signs of manipulation. It is important to be vigilant and skeptical of videos that seem too good to be true, as they may be deepfakes.

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