7 Tips for Improving Your Study Habits

It’s wild how important studying is for school success, yet it’s something we’re often left to figure out on our own. Like, note-taking?  

This is a big deal, but do we really get taught how to do it effectively? Not really. It’s usually just a vague “Hey, take notes” without any real guidance on what that even means. 

But hey, here’s the good news: there’s solid research out there on how to study smarter.  

Seriously, science has our backs on this one.  

Turns out, there are much better ways to take notes, review stuff, memorize things, and even tackle those dense textbooks. So, while schools might not always clue us in, at least the data’s got our back. However, before we begin, here’s a heads-up. 

This article will only help you with planning your studying venture and how you can execute the same effectively. If you want some help related to a project, I will suggest you go for a dedicated essay writer by PaperHelp.  

1: Try Behavior Modification 

So, ever heard of the “time and place” trick for studying?  

It’s like this: try to hit the books or tackle those math problems at the same time and in the same spot every day. It’s like your brain starts to associate that time and place with studying.  

After a bit, you’ll notice something cool – when you’re in that spot at that time, bam! You’re in the “study mode” without even trying.  

And get this – it’s not just about getting into the groove faster. Nope, it helps you remember stuff better too. Your brain gets all primed and ready to soak up the knowledge. 

Oh, and here’s a bonus tip: give yourself a little treat after a study session. Seriously, reward yourself! Whether it’s watching TV or hitting up a party, positive reinforcement works wonders. Your brain’s like, “Hey, I liked that studying thing, let’s do it again!” 

So, yeah, next time you’re struggling to get into the math mood, give this time-and-place trick a shot. Your brain will thank you later! 

2: Take a Break or Two While Studying 

When you’re trying to memorize stuff, keep your study sessions short—like 20 to 30 minutes max. Why? Well, first off, when you’re on the clock, you tend to use your time better. Think about those last-minute cramming sessions before a big test—that’s a prime example. 

Plus, psychologists back this up, saying you learn better in short bursts.  

They’ve found that spreading your study over a few days in smaller chunks works just as well as one long study marathon. Your brain keeps churning away even when you’re not actively studying, like when you’re snoozing or munching on snacks.  

So, those breaks between study sessions are gold—they count as study time too! 

And here’s a pro tip: Take a breather every hour. Like a 10-minute break to recharge. Some super studious folks even go for 45 minutes to an hour and then take a short 5- to 10-minute break. It’s like a reward for your brain, and it sets you up to learn even more effectively in the next round. 

3: Study Subjects Which are Alike 

Think of your brain like a radio station.  

If the signals are too close together, you’ll get that annoying static, right?  

Well, it’s the same with learning! If you cram similar subjects back-to-back, they’ll start stepping on each other’s toes, causing interference.  

So, after diving into math, switch gears and tune into Spanish or history instead of chemistry or stats. Give your brain some breathing room! 

4: Don’t Study When You’re Tired 

Ever noticed that time of day when you suddenly feel like nodding off?  

Yeah, psychologists say we all have it. But here’s the deal: pushing through with studying during that time might not be your best move. It’s like trying to swim against the current, you know?  

Instead, why not switch things up and get active? Whether it’s playing a game, taking a stroll, or just stretching your legs, it’ll help shake off that sleepy vibe.  

And hey, if you’re staring down a pile of schoolwork, use that moment to tidy up your study spot or even buddy up for a quick study sesh. It’s all about finding what clicks for you! 

5: Opt for a Good Note-Taking System 

Alright, let’s streamline this note-taking method. 

Imagine grabbing some standard loose-leaf paper – yep the one you would find in any old binder. Now, here’s the trick: only write on one side. It seems a tad wasteful, but trust me, it’s worth it. 

Let’s rule your page.  

If your class blends lectures and readings seamlessly, go for the 2-3-3-2 method. Create columns: two inches on the left for recall cues, three in the middle for class notes, three on the right for reading notes, and reserve a cozy two-inch space at the bottom for your insights. 

But if your class is more lecture-focused with minimal readings, go for the 2-5-1 technique.  

Try to keep it simple: two inches on the left for cues, five in the middle for class notes, and just a cheeky inch on the right for your thoughts.  

With time, you’ll master this method, and rulers will become a thing of the past. 

6: Keep On Reading and Studying Concurrently 

Alright, let’s break down how to tackle your reading assignments in a way that saves time and boosts your memory. Think of it as a strategy called OK4R, offered by Dr. Walter Pauk: 

First off, hit the Overview button.  

Check out the title, scan the intro and conclusion, and give those headings a once-over. Boom! You’ve got a roadmap of what’s ahead. 

Next up, snag those Key Ideas.  

Zip through the text for the juicy bits – usually chilling in the first sentence of each paragraph. Don’t forget to peek at the italics, bold stuff, bullets, and visuals.  

They’re like treasure maps to the important stuff. 

Now, it’s Read time. Dive into the whole shebang from start to finish. It’ll be a breeze since you’ve already scoped out the terrain. 

After that, it’s Recall time. Close the book and try to sum up the main points in your own words. It’s like flexing your memory muscles to lock in the knowledge. 

Then, Reflect on what you’ve absorbed. Connect the dots with what you already know. That way, the new info sticks around for good. 

Lastly, Review like a champ. Don’t rush this step – give it some time before your next quiz. And keep circling back throughout the term to make that knowledge stick like glue. 

See? With OK4R, you’re not just reading, you’re strategizing like a pro! 

7: Try Different Environments for Studying 

Hey, forget about the old-school idea of studying in the library’s quiet zone.  

It’s not a one-size-fits-all deal! For some, silence can be just as distracting as a noisy café. So, why not mix it up? Try studying in different spots.  

Your room, a dorm common area, a café, a library, a park, or even the dining hall could do the trick. Plus, switching up locations might boost your memory! 

And hey, music can be your study buddy too.  

Some folks swear by instrumental or classical tunes to help them focus, while others prefer silence. Give it a shot and find what floats your study boat. 

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