The method to clean/sanitize computer and devices

The significance of hand washing has become way more than ever before in the current era which has witnessed coronavirus pandemic. It has obviously necessitated us to be very watchful of cleaning our hands, disinfecting the surfaces and making sure that we avoid touching our face as well.

Likewise, we need to seriously avoid touching the surfaces.  For example, we work on computers and our hands and fingers usually touch tablets, mobile phones along with computers significantly. Well, it is true that they may be contaminated by virus. As per the study, corona virus can potentially long last on a surface for maximum of 5 days. Everyone has started realizing the magnitude of threat associated with Corona virus since it has taken the whole world in its stride where people have lost lives; in short there has been massive destruction beyond explanation.

Talking about the outer casings of computers and mobile devices, they usually constitute of stainless steel, plastic along with glass. Well, the research which has been conducted by WebMD, shows that virus can significantly live on these for 3-5 days. 

Here’s a chart signifying the life of virus on the materials below

  • Plastics : 3 days
  • Stainless steel : 3 days
  • Glass : 5 days

The Covid-19 season has necessitated us to be very punctual and cautious when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting keyboards, computers along with mobile devices. 

Let’s take a look at the ways for disinfecting the electronics

Considering the height of caution, you have to adhere, since electronics are usually delicate and have to be carefully handled. So, here’s presenting Do’s and Don’ts which you have to religiously follow. This aspect helps you immensely during the cleaning process.

Don’t use

  • Bleach 
  • Water

Do Use

  • Cleaning wipes which are alcohol based
  • The products which have the quantity of minimum 70% Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • In order to begin the process of cleaning up, you need air for removing dust, crumbs etc from keyboards as well as laptop or computer cases.

Following is the list of supplies you need to arrange before you begin the process of sanitization 

  • Microfiber cloth
  • Compressed air
  • 70%+ Isopropul Alcohol or purely alcohol based wipes (The said percentage is application for wiping all the below mentioned products)
  • Microfiber cleaning swabs which is meant to be used for keyboard

Let’s know what exactly is Microfiber Cloth

Electronics being a delicate object require specialized cleaning material which can be addressed by microfiber cleaning cloth. Never use paper towels. This type of cloth is best for removing dust, oil along with dirt while maintaining its sheen and without creating scratches on the screen or at any other part. 

Is it practically possible for 70%+ Isopropyl Alcohol to kill coronavirus?

Yes, it is to be noted that the solutions where there is a minimum quantity of 70% alcohol has the potential to kill coronavirus. Don’t dilute the solution or it will stop having the desired effect on the surface. It is important to apply on the surface for at least 30 seconds as it needs such a time to disinfect. Although, alcohol doesn’t endanger the surface, yet it discolors few types of plastic. 

Let’s now consider each device and the associated steps to adhere for cleaning and sanitizing process.

Process to clean computer and Laptop screens

  • The electronics should be removed from power including your monitor
  • Remove the dust from screen which can be done by using a microfiber cloth to wipe the screen
  • Never exert extra pressure while cleaning the laptop screen
  • Dirty smudges can be cleaned as you use circular motion
  • Don’t spray the solution of alcohol on the laptop screen 
  • Use an alcohol cleaning wipe which has a percentage of 70%+ alcohol or microfiber cloth with the percentage of 70%+ Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • While wiping the screen, remember to take extra care to remove dust from edges

Process of cleaning Keyboards

Being an electronic item, the plug should be removed from power, even if that includes using battery 

How to Clean Keyboards

  • You can make use of compressed air in the form of a can where you ensure that the areas around the keys are properly cleaned 
  • Use an alcohol cleaning wipe which has a percentage of 70%+ alcohol or microfiber cloth with the percentage of 70%+ Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • It is preferred to use a swab as large clothing accumulates sizeable alcoholic solution which can seep inside the keys.
  • Wait for 30 seconds before you wipe the area with a dry microfiber cloth

Method to clean a computer mouse

  • The mouse should be de-attached from computer and likewise powered down (in case if it operated with a battery)
  • Use an alcohol cleaning wipe which has a percentage of 70%+ alcohol or microfiber cloth with the percentage of 70%+ Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • Use compressed air so that the accumulated dirt and dust can be removed from the wheel along with other hidden areas
  • Wipe down the mouse

Method to clean Smartphone and tablets

  • In a similar fashion to how you have unplugged keyboard, mouse etc, power off tablet and Smartphone and take out their cases. Since you will clean the device as well as the case
  • Use microfiber cloth for wiping the device along with the case so that dust and smudges can be removed
  • Create a circular motion so that even the toughest of smudges can be wiped out or removed
  • Use an alcohol cleaning wipe which has a percentage of 70%+ alcohol or microfiber cloth with the percentage of 70%+ Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • Wipe the device along with the case
  • After waiting for 30 seconds, put the device back in the case as it becomes dry by that time

Final thoughts

It is safe than to be sorry and as you follow on the suggestions of the above post, you take a convincing stand of safeguarding yourself. A healthy well being and a mental peace is highly important for a productive approach. So, by following on the steps, you accomplish your duty as a responsible person who has just armed himself with the important mechanism. So, move ahead towards a cleaner and healthier tomorrow by following the post.

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