Boss Baby 2

The Baby Boss Family Business review


The Baby Boss Family Business is the perfect family movie for the whole family, with the exception of small children. The plot follows the story of a young couple who are struggling to make ends meet and decide to start their own business, which turns out to be an illegal pyramid scheme. They are soon faced with the reality that they can’t provide for their unborn son or daughter and have no choice but to turn themselves in. This is a long-awaited sequel from the director of “Daddy Day Care” and “A Troll In Central.

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The main characters are the parents; the father is the one who wants to start a family business, and the mother supports him. In the beginning, they have two kids from previous marriages (and without knowing about their son or daughter). Still, when they find out that it’s going to be twins, their mom gets very upset because she doesn’t want anything wrong to happen to her children again. All of this leads them to an illegal pyramid scheme that involves working for free in order to make money with other people’s money. Soon enough, the reality hits them hard – they can not provide for all three kids, so Dad makes a tough decision: turn themselves in and try life as an honest people even if it means jail time or staying on with illegal activities while risking their lives and the lives of their kids.

The Boss Baby: Family Business' Review: Pacifier Be With You - The New York  Times
Source: The New York

Review of the movie The Baby Boss Family


The movie The Baby Boss Family Business is based on a true story about the lives of actual people. The plot revolves around the lives of an African-American couple. Who lost all they had in the financial crisis and are now trying to provide for their three children (which include twins). They move into a one-room apartment where mom has to take a job as a waitress so that dad can stay home with the kids while he looks for work.

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In order to make money quickly before government assistance runs out, Dad decides that it would be best if he becomes involved with an illegal pyramid scheme that involves stealing other people’s money. And when things go bad at this place, Dad makes another tough decision: turn themselves in and try to live.

African-American couple who lost all they had in the financial crisis and are now trying to provide for their three children (which include twins). They move into a one-room apartment where mom has to take a job as a waitress so that dad can stay home with the kids while he looks for work. In order to make money quickly before government assistance runs out. The dad decides that it would be best if he became involved with an illegal pyramid scheme, which the family learns

about after his dad’s arrest and conviction. Hoping for the best, the Baby Boss Family Business review is a heartwarming story of one man’s struggle to provide despite the difficulties he faces in today’s world.

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