
Oh Soon-Tae : South Korean Actor

Oh Soon-Tae is a South Korean actor born on January 13, 1979. He is also known by the name Soon Tae Oh.

Work and recognition

Every actor has a profile that he can be proud of. Likewise, he also has a charismatic profile where he would be proud of himself for giving the best roles in his capacity, such as in “Breath” as a prisoner in 2007. Similarly, he showcased his acting skills to the world in the movie “Divine Weapon” in 2008 as Oh Cho.

Different genres of movies

He worked in the movie “Another Way” in 2015. The film highlights the reality of life. The girl Jung Won was finding it difficult to do a part-time job and take care of her paralyzed mother side by side. There was Soo Wan, who was also seriously disturbed after losing his mother due to suicide. They both meet as they have the same condition.

He also acted in “Hwang Gu” in 2014. The movie was about a boy born to parents of two different nationalities: a Filipino father and a Korean mother. He was discriminated against due to his skin color. However, his positivity and motivation were high. He intended to represent Korea and bring laurels to the country.

Wide possible roles under his credit 

Talking about the Drama series, he was a cast member in “Strong Girl Bong-Soon” in 2017, where the fans clapped and appreciated his role. Similarly, he went on to do “Love on a Rooftop” in 2015. That’s again the drama which was quite liked by his fans, who knew his stature as an actor. He again inspired fans by giving his hundred percent in “Inspiring Generation” in 2014. The movie revolves around emotions such as love, hatred, and friendship between three countries dating back to the 1930s such as Japan, China, and Korea. He is known to give a broad genre of roles.

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