Md. doctor’s research: The safer way to treat Parkinson’s patients

The surveys show that more than 1 million Americans have Parkinson’s disease. This tends to affect the brain cells in a particular brain region, which can further lead to Dyskinesia. This feels like an involuntary erratic body movement, such as shaking and tremors. Medications were used to treat this disease, but if these medicines don’t work, you must ensure deep brain stimulation. However, researchers are working on this to help people in Maryland with Parkinson’s! Dr. Paul Fishman, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and a neurologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center, said, “That is the placement of pacemaker-like wire into a brain target to jam the effects of groups of overactive nerve brain cells.”

How does this new treatment work?

Fishman said, “Deep-brain stimulation still required drilling a hole in the skull and placing a wire deep within the brain.” He added, “During that procedure, there’s always the possibility of bleeding into the brain or infection.” This new treatment – MRI-guided focused ultrasound- requires no surgical procedure. In this process, the array of sound speakers, more than 1000 in number,r are attached to a patient’s body. These devices tend to penetrate both the skull and the target organ. It is similar to focusing the sun rays using a magnifying glass, and the sound energy will target and heat the region to improve the patient’s symptoms further!

How are patients with Parkinson’s disease impacted?

He said, “The thing that was a concern is that we intended to kill a small piece of brain and just to make sure that we could control the process so that we didn’t cause any serious injury to the neighboring areas of the brain, for me as a neurologist was one of the most gratifying results of the study.” Although this treatment is not considered a cure for the disease, it is believed to at least reduce the impact of Parkinson’s disease. Fishman said he is trying to recruit people treated on one side of the brain on a trial basis. However, he is still trying to determine if they are getting any complications following their initial treatment. He even discovered that any such treatment is insufficient to suffice the trouble with an advanced level of Parkinson’s disease that may result in complications with intellectual functioning, body balancing, and Alzheimer’s disease—it further tries to diagnose different psychiatric conditions, including severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What is new research on Parkinson’s disease treatment?

Presently, there has been remarkable progress in treating Parkinson’s disease. Although researchers are constantly trying to figure out the potential causes of Parkinson’s disease – be it genetic or environmental, there is still hope for the discovery of its impact on the brain function of an individual. Some popular treatments available include gene therapy, stem cells, and fetal cell transplantation.

What is the best treatment for Parkinson’s in the world?

Even though no proper cure is available for Parkinson’s disease, you can still consider some medication to at least relieve yourself from the symptoms of the ailment and, thus, assure the patients of quality of life. Surgery, continuous medicine, and supportive therapies are some of the best ways to deal with the same! This may include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and diet advice. Both short-term and long-term medications are available for Parkinson’s disease. Thus, it would be best to consider having a clear discussion with your medical practitioner to know about the risks associated with the medicines and, therefore, decide on the best options for yourself.

What is the discovery of Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder that is witnessed by the loss of neurons in a pattern that will spread all across the brain. It may lead to slow gait, muscular rigidity, tremors, and other motion impairments. The Weill Cornell Medication aggregates about protein alpha-synuclein spread in the brains of the patients. This happens via a cellular waste-ejection process. This procedure is known as lysosomal exocytosis. The neurons emit protein waste, which cannot further be broken down or recycled.

Are we close to a cure for Parkinson’s?

Researchers are constantly trying to figure out means and ways through which medical science will be able to cure Parkinson’s disease. Since the pattern of effect of the disorder and the way it attacks various brain regions are different, you can expect to see multiple symptoms, including movement abnormalities, in many people. Research institutes are still trying to discover the original cause of the disease and, thus, work towards restricting its progression.

How can Parkinson’s disease be cured permanently?

Parkinson’s disease, a chronic disorder, may cause several physical and cognitive symptoms. It is essential to understand that there is no permanent cure for the disease. Still, with the growing research in this field, you can expect to see some potential treatments that will relieve you from the tremors and physical complications you usually tend to face in such a scenario!

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