fortnite downtime

Check out some exclusive information about the fortnite downtime

Fortnite is an exclusive and epic game but due to certain issues with the application it is going to stay shut down for getting updated on April 21st. There are problems sorted out on platforms like PS 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, mobile and PC. It was revealed that the game was sorted with server problems from around 7 AM BST or 2 AM ET across the USA. 

Downtime limit

Various reports and data released by the epic game confirm its lasting for no longer than 3 hours but that is even not accurate. The expectation can go more else less and might end within 2 hours which is from 7 am to 9 am, BST. At that time, you can even expect the fortnite update 12.41 that would be released and would be made convenient to download it on various platforms like PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, mobile and PC.  As per reports, the epic game is going to bring on with a big live event releasing later this week on all platforms which is 12.41. The following will be bought with updates and details relating to the same. 

Experts say that the issue with rolling out is that the fortnite will be unable for several hours as the development team is performing the maintenance work during the time of lockdown. The expectation for the new update is going to roll out with the Travis Scott live event and that is going to be a treat for all the fortnite fans. 

Risky reels in fortnite

The name might be a little funny but it’s the landmark on the battle royale map. The following is located at the grid coordinates E3 and E4, at the north east of salty springs and at the west of frenzy farm. You can take it as a drive- in theatre with a ticket booth projector and huge projector screen. Food stand, restaurant, playground, public toilets and many more cars. The risky reels are going to stay together at the event with Punk’d which is amongst the long list in which the fortnite is trying to keep the viewers engaged and entertained. 

Rapper’s punk’d show on risky reels

Now the rapper’s punk’d show which is a comic featured by Ashton kutcher is bought by the streaming service app called the quibi. Even though there is not much information relating to timing of the show to being in the game, still the event was announced on April 10th and is going to be available till 11th of April. The show is going to run every hour and the players can easily take on the chance to go and visit the show. 

Now the show is doing a long with cross promotions with it’s in- game streaming capabilities. The developers of the game have tried getting engaged to the community by joining their hands with the trivia based mobile app which is called the house party. This is the one in which the players are going to share their knowledge relating to their favorite game. 

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